Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Defect Reporting/Bug Reporting

While testing a software in an Organization, the bugs that QA member comes across needs to be reported. For reporting these bugs there are different Defect reporting tools/Defect Tracking tools /Bug Reporting tools available in the Market such as Bugzilla, Jira, FogBUGZ, Quality Center(Test Director) etc.,

Most of these bugs have similar fields that needs to be filled by QA member while reporting the bug. Here is a brief information about those fields:

Bug ID: This is the identification number of the Bug. This would be auto-generated after a bug has been created if a tool is used for reporting defects 

Detected in Version/Build Version: This is a drop down field which contains different Build versions. QA needs to select appropriate version of the build in which the Bug has been found. 

Summary: This is the place where QA enters the summary of the Bug. The information provided in this field should be minimal and to the point

Description/Steps to Reproduce: This is the place where QA enters description of the actions/steps that were performed for finding the Bug. i.e., QA should enter detailed steps for reproducing the bug.  

Status: This is a drop down with list of different statuses. While creating a new bug QA would choose this value as New. (For further details about status, please see bug life cycle) 

Reproducible: If the bug is reproducible always, then select Yes. If not, then Select No. 

Fixed in Version: This is a drop down field which contains different Build versions. Developer would select a value from the drop down after fixing the bug. 

Severity: “How well a bug is effecting the application is called as Severity”. This is a drop down which contains different levels of severity. QA would select an appropriate severity based on the bug. Different levels of severity are:
  • Critical
  • High 
  • Medium 
  • Low
Priority: This is the place where Priority of the bug is selected. “How fast the bug should be resolved is called as Priority”. Different levels of Priority are: 
  • Urgent
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
Detected by: This is the place where the name of QA who is entering the bug would be auto-generated. 

Detected Date: This is the place where the date on which the bug was detected will be auto-generated. 

Assigned to: This is the place where the appropriate person to whom the bug should be assigned will be selected. For example while reporting a bug, QA would choose his/her manager's name or a developer name. After fixing the bug, developer would choose the respective QA person's name. 

Modified/Last Updated: This is the place where the date on which the bug is modified will be automatically populated.

Comments: This is the place where the comments of QA/Developer are added. This section would appear in a bug only after the bug has been created. 

Attachments: Attach screenshots/files to the bug if necessary.

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